Thursday, October 20, 2005


Was browsing through Neil Gaiman's blog, checking out his early July entries. I was really curious about his opinions on Singapore. It seems so long ago now; standing for hours in a queue outside Borders.

He was such a fantastic person, Neil Gaiman. He behaved just like an ordinary bloke and was so nice to all his fans. He signed for hundreds that night (check out his blog :, but still managed a kind word and a smile for everyone.

Unfortunately, by the time I got to the head of the line, my innate Sunita-ness re-asserted itself and I couldn't say a word (look, I am a very shy person, I don't know why people don't get it and think I am proud instead). I passed him Smoke&Mirrors and could only stare goofily at his auburn hair (in pictures it looks black, but its actually much lighter). The girl ahead of me had a cool poster of Death and the guy behind me had first editions of the Sandman series. Both chatted happily to him (and earlier, while queueing, with me), but I said nary a word, 'cept maybe "thank you" (not too sure though, kinda hazy).

It was an interesting night, especially with Archana and Ira trying vainly to persuade me to go home while we were in the queue and eating sushi ('cos there was already a signed copy of "Coraline" in Arch's bag for my birthday Happy Birthday Sunita !- a plot conceived byIra and executed by Claudius). Still it was nice seeing him, in the flesh so to speak. Sometimes I have this notion that celebrities don't really exist, especially writers. They seem as incorporeal as the fiction they write. Its quite refreshing to have your ridiculous theories disproved.

Back to Neil Gaiman's blog; he seemed impressed by Singapore's steadfast loyalty to the joys of air-conditioning, among other things, and appreciated all the food people brought him (damn, next time I stand hours in queue for a writer, I'll make sure I bring him some food)

And Farokh got a mention on Neil Gaiman's blog! How cool is that!

1 comment:

Justin Ho said...

Din know u liked Gaiman... Still haven gotten around to reading American Gods that has been sitting on my shelf for nearly 2 years now.. haha.. bad bad..

Why can't post anonymously? signing in very leceh le