Monday, February 20, 2006

Belle - America's Next Top Model 2025

Cone hats are suitable for Asians - looks good, allows hair to breathe in humid weather and gives the illusion of height. A cute smile always helps too.

A yellow polka-dot bikini dress needs a touch of coyness

A Green-Smocking Dress for Christmas. Sometimes a model just has to pretend the camera isn't there

Fashion tip : For extra cuteness - just add "tocangs"

Bale! Bale!

What does a bunch of Indians do on Chinese New Year?

Why engage in vice and debauchery of course!

Pictures of the Bhangra Party at Forbidden City (by NUS) courtesy Arpita

Pre-Glow Buffet at Nitin's

Ok We Can't Bhangra For Nuts

Separated at Birth - Arpita & Prem

Harjote can stone anywhere...Rajesh looking dapper

3 Stooges - Curly, Baldie & Shaq

Arpita gets bedeviled by Nitin & his ScaryShirt2, again!

Le Cute Picture

Sunday, February 19, 2006


I know 3 sets of 3 people each who have their birthdays on the same day.

Is it a freaky coincidence, a normal coincidence or just something that happens eventually?

Also, why is it that certain months are more heavily-weighed than other months? Are star-signs significant after all and you tend to be in tune with people of a certain sign?

Anyways since I am always losing my birthday list , gona put it up here for safe-keeping. If you are not listed, I am so sorry please do pass me the dates... please please.


12 - Patrick

25 - Teng Kwee

27 - Claudius, Vikram, Harjote


4 - Chian Chian

15 - Sanjay Menon

20 - Ivan Jacob

28 - Mummy, Jen, Cynthia


1 - Wilma

2 - Amy


4 - Sherril, Kavita


10 - Jameen

20 - Venki

24 - JR

29 - Beatrice


20 - Daddy

29 - Uncle Theo, Joel, Raveen


5 - Sonia

12 - Aneesh

14 - Arpita

19 - Sriram


14 - Preeti

21 - Nitin


5 - Thulasy (RH)

26 - Vanmathy, Pai

27 - Archit


3 - Yusnita

4 - Jo Kang

8 - Isabelle

28 - Adam


5 - Kelvin

9 - Christoph

13 - Renuka


8 - Archana

16 - Loges

At Harjote's Birthday

Harjean : &^%$*^&*&!!!

Harjote : Whatever....

Make Love NOT War Harjean!

Reunited And It Feels So Good....

At Vikram's Birthday

Another One From Bad Photos "R" Us

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Memoirs of A Geisha

The first big movie outing of the New Year. The movie itself stayed surprisingly true to the book and wasn't too bad considering the scathing reviews.

Also, surprisingly, I did not feel the need to bitch-slap Zhang Zi-Yi so much. Which was weird and not exactly pleasant. Though I completely adored both Hero and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, my enjoyment was marred by the constant twitching in my hand that just wanted to dive into that screen and pummel Zhang Zi-Yi to a pulp or at least till she wiped that self-satisfied smirk off her pip-squeaky face.

In Geisha, she was almost likeable but still could not hold a candle to the luminous Gong Li who played Hatsumomo to perfection - bitter, defeated yet dignified, gorgeous. What was Zhang Yimou thinking when he cast her aside for Zhang Zi-Yi?!!

Twas also nice to see the RH Padawans back from their break. Missed them much.

Picture time!. Do forgive motion unsharpness; my hands are not as steady as they used to be - old age and all that... (Actually most pictures were taken by Venki who appropriated the camera, thanks Venki!)

Sans Preeti (rushed back to RK's arms), Arches, Muna, Claudius (rushed away into the glow of alcohol) & Arpita (gazing at Nitin)

With a "bedeviled" Arpita who this time proceeds to block Corine

The Other Arpita again! The girl is insidious I tell you.

Despite his avowed "horniness", Arpita still thinks Nitin is "bagus"!

Divya - all hot and bo(the)red

Ram & Prasanna

Good Deed For the Day - Reuniting Long Lost Cousins, Nitin's and Sriram's SHIRTS

Blardy Mallus - With Sanjay

After dinner we (Nitin, Arpita, Sanjay & myself) rejoined the Alcoholically-Inclined at the Scarlet Hotel. Unfortunately we got too comfortable and missed a salsa session with Kavita and Sunita2. Eventually though we got tired of the intellectual conversation and hit the clubs.

Got turned away from Attica supposedly due to Sanjay's "age". Whatever. Went to Forbidden City instead and then to the pre-requisite supper/breakfast where Arpita rejoined us.

On a whim, we turned into this sleazy looking place blasting excellent hindi songs. Turned out to be one of those "men only" places with dancing girls. The girls were so gorgeous! One in particular was so beautiful and engaging that we "tipped" her. Wonder what's the story there?

Ended the night watching the Sun Come Up on the East Coast Beach

Monday, February 13, 2006

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Battle of The Balls

Once upon a time there were 3 little pupils...

Joy - The Pretty One

Adeline - The Smart One

And Me...

Adeline managed to breed 4 shiny blue balls who lived quite happily in her cubicle. Occasionally, though, they would "migrate" to mine.

Unfortunately Adeline saw red over this...triggering a silent "post-it" war....

It wasn't really my fault, they just liked visiting Adam's Aragorn and Gandalf who live on my shelf.

Gandalf: I am cooler..I've got a sword AND a staff and my cloak is detachable!!

Aragorn : Whatever old pants are detachable!

Meanwhile the post-it war continues...

Wah somebody smart lawyer what...

So tickled was I by the post-its that I started fishing around Ms. Adeline's dustbin for the discarded/rejected ones which of course garnered another post...

OK I'll be the first to admit it... I am one big wuss. So...

All's Well That Ends Well

Adeline remains the Belle of the Balls!

But Joy will always be the Belle With The Balls

Cue Fade Off Into Sunset

The Poem

I cleaned my room today. You remember, I am sure, what a momentous event that is. Had some help from a kind knight who arranged my furniture, put up my posters and paintings and made my room look "cool".

Amidst the carnage, I found the book. You said it was a poem for me. I had forgotten about it and almost lost it. I don't want to lose it again.

If I got it wrong, and it was never meant for me, just drop me a line and I will remove it. Meanwhile I hope you don't mind it too much if I place it here for safe-keeping.

You gave me many things. I have the Gucci watch of course, but somehow (if it was meant for me - my memory keeps failing me these days) this is the best present I ever got.

Part I

I was in love with it - the way he chewed the inside of his cheek while he was thinking. "There'll never be another tomorrow like today", he'd say paranoid and firm, rubbing enamel against cellulite.

His week would start noon on Tuesday. Had to be different or else. Truly believed the sun didn't rise till he opened his eyes.

He never understood why shoelaces needed to be tied. Said, "tripping only hurts when you have no patience standing up." Smiling, and his ears would remind me of marks - questions specifically, saying, "Hey, mom, look its me." Never understanding when he made me cry. Palms always sweaty and he'd wipe his hands impatiently against his jeans.

Part II

One day, our man in the crowd says, "You see, I exist."
"However," (in response to himself), "that fact has not aroused in me a sense of obligation." Woke up early one morning. Noticed the stars.
Said, "time hasn't changed". Couldn't believe his interest was done. It was raining then, when he joined me out on our porch.
Said, "I know why you rarely sleep. Why you don't smile so much."