Monday, January 02, 2006

The Year That Was

The New Year found me standing knee-deep in the surf along Pee Dee beach; the beautiful Regency stretch. There was ice-cream, a really bad band which gave way to some excellent hip-hop numbers, fireworks and a nice warm breeze. Earth, Wind, Fire and Water - all the necessary elements to usher in the New Year :-p

I suppose I should say something about the year in general; what I learnt from it etc, but looking back has never been my strong point. My New Year's Resolution for 2006 and the future is to be STRONG. Although it is frequently bandied about that hard knocks make you stronger yada yada, I've found that somehow it makes one more brittle. So much to my surprise, I find myself actually becoming stronger

Having said that, I hope its not tested and I pass the bar and get retained and other such major stuff works out.

Overall, 2005 was interesting. Dreams became reality. There were bad times but really good ones too. All I can really say or feel, is a deep sense of gratitude. For the fun times, the friends, the achievements as well for the not-so-fun times and the disappointments. For realising that people do not define me, that hate may not be conquered by love but that does not mean that hate should be countered by hate, for finally ending chapters that should have been closed a long time ago, for being given the gift of separating the wheat from the chaff, for being able to accept and see good even in the chaff, for recognising that wanting to live in an epic with the required elements of dignity, courage and honour may actually be possible, for realising that I only have control over my actions and that that is enough. For all these I thank the Lord.

And now for some pictures! A few choice morsels from the year in general.... Of course, there will be more to come when I finally figure out how to upload pictures from my digicam. Help Vel!

The trip to climb Mt. Kinabalu that kick-started and reflected the year to come

My 30th Birthday Cake

Graduation July 2005 - The RH Law Bunch. Thanks So Much You Guys!

Arpita's Quarter Century - served chilled!

RH Concert Oct 2005 "Eyeshadow" ably directed by our very own Vel!

Deepavali 2005 - Amply fed at Harjean's

Portrait In Sepia - Jo's Birthday

Party-ing at Ira's!

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